Thursday, August 23, 2007

Looking up...

Things have been productive the last few days. Knock on wood that me posting this does not jinx the whole thing and it all goes to hell in a handbasket from here!

My training from work is done. Grant you im wiped completely out. 630am WORK starts have sucked the energy out of me. But its done and i passed. Woot!

Today i finally found a lawyer - yes i have the much needed cert! - I go Wednesday morning for that. When we were done the call i heard the secretary say to someone "Wow! this is gonna be a good one!" Ya think?! 367 per month in child support for a child who is under 40 days from turning 18 AND working full time. You think someone dropped the ball there considering i only make 1600 per month?! umm ya....

I was called today for a job interview. I go tomorrow am at 830am. I had to do testing for it tonight. A word/excel 2000 test. Which im sure i did poorly on as im used to using the short cut keys not the "long" way of doing things. I also had to do an English profficency test and a typing test. All while the dog is barking and running after the baby cat and my D14 is doing the mommie mommies. I did write them a thank you letter - it should be ok.

Daddy is currently over at his ex-wife's house (its his too). She has finally agreed to settle the separation with divorce papers so the house has to go. They have had one couple visit the house 4 times. Twice during the open house... once last night.. once tonight. They have driven by it apparently 9 times in-between. I HOPE they offer something good. This way it can be settled and its one more step closer to being done done. She has in the past outright refused to sign divorce papers, despite the fact that they have separated for the past 4.5 years. I honestly think its one of those if i cant have you no one else can. *shrugs* who knows. I just want it all settled up and done for him. One less headache he has to worry over.

All is going pretty good....tomorrow is pay day. I get to see how little of my pay check i get to keep from now on. Which is gonna suck as ive worked less hours this week due to training so the check is already less..... *sigh*

OH.. and i may of found a new place to live! yay!!!!

Ok.. a storm is coming in.. im gonna shoo....

Ni ni everyone!


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