Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good times

The day was not a total wash out. Even though it started off with many tears as i opened a letter to find out that not only have they taken my wages in this effort to get money that simply does not exist from a bill i knew NOTHING about until last week. It appears that they have now taken money that is my DAUGHTERS in order to pay this bill to "support my son" (whom lets not forget is working - D14 cannot legally work yet) To day i was frustrated and angry was an understatement.

I still await to see if i qualify for legal aid. Until then.. every available money source that they can get their greedy hands into they are. I'm suspecting that next is any savings accounts i may have. Which i do hold my mother's money in my name. This is for her care and my ease of getting funds when i need them -pronto. In no way shape or form is this MY money. It simply sits there for her use should i need it.

Apart from that.. it was a longish day at work. Not overly busy.. not overly quiet. I got a pattern cut out and i read the paper. Talked to a few people. All in all it was ok

I took D14 and her friend to the movies tonight on a gift cert that she had from the holidays last year. She wanted to go see Transformers - good movie! And im not even into those kinds of movies! There was a preview for what looked like godzilla - but it does not come out until the new year so we'll see.

All in all the day was a good one. The best part was seeing my D14 smiling and having fun with her friend. Even if they played DDR until their feet were about to fall off before the flick!!!


Now im going to take my exhausted self to my coma.

Ni ni neverland!!!


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